Simplicity's v41 Improves Security
Version 41 New Security Features

Single Sign-On (SSO)
Single Sign-On allows users to access their Simplicity VoIP account seamlessly across multiple devices via existing account access including Google and Office365.
- Limited number of credentials reduces opportunity for a password to be captured
- Proactive security solutions ensure data stays safe, secure, and confidential
- Can launch phone account with the click of a single button
- Reduces time spent keeping track of multiple passwords
- No additional costs

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) offers an added layer of security that implements a two-step verification process for authenticating users accessing their Simplicity VoIP account.
- Enables secure access to protect against fraudulent entry due to compromise credentials
- Generated code on user possessed devices
- Available for all users in Client portal
- Uses Google Authenticator to generate secure code
- No additional costs

Stir / Shaken
STIR (Secure Telephone Identity Revisited) and SHAKEN (Signature-based Handling of Asserted Information Using toKENs) are interconnected standards providing Caller ID authentication to combat illegal Caller ID spoofing.
- Protects from Caller ID spoofing
- Blocks robocalls
- Reduces number of calls
- FCC requires implementation by June 30, 2021
- No additional costs
Simplicity VoIP

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